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About Us

Greetings from the traditional unseeded territory of the Timiskaming First Nation, upon which the Timiskaming First Nation Health & Wellness Centre is located.


Since the very beginning, the Timiskaming First Nation has worked hard at obtaining autonomy over the administration and delivery of our Health and Social Service programs. It is the goal of TFNHWC to improve the quality of its programs and services for the benefit of all community members who make up our clientele.

Mission Statement​

The Timiskaming First Nation Health & Wellness Centre will provide community-based health and wellness programs that are holistic, universally accessible, inclusive, and which provide quality of care, client safety, and address the rights of individuals to make informed decisions regarding their health and well-being.

Vision Statement

Through the effective and efficient use of human resources who work a team, the Timiskaming First Nation Health & Wellness Centre delivesr inclusive quality programs and provide client-centered holistic health and social services to the community of Timiskaming. Our programs will be culturally adapted and sensitive to the needs of our clients and their families, support a healthy life-style, will be based on mutual respect and work to reduce the incidence of addictions. Confidentiality, cultural appropriateness and informed consent will be guiding principles in our service delivery. Together as a team, and using a strengths-based approach, we will collaborate together and with our partners to work towards a strong, healthy community.

Our Philosophy

The Timiskaming First Nation Health & Wellness Centre ’s articulates a holistic vision of health and wellness which includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. We embrace traditional and contemporary teachings, skills and values which benefit those receiving and giving care.

  • We recognize that good health and wellness starts with every human being and extends outward to include the broader social, economic, cultural and environmental determinants of health and wellness.

  • We believe that all individuals have the right to all the basic requirements which we hold scared.

  • We believe and respect the beliefs, values, culture, and spirituality of all individuals.

  • We believe that each individual is worthy of respect and freedom of choice.

  • We believe that each individual seeking help at the Timiskaming First Nation Health & Wellness Centre has the right to the programs and services, which ensure nurturing, support and empowerment to begin their journey to wellness.

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